Quickly, think of the top five things that YOU think are the most important qualities of a well designed website. Go ahead, take a few seconds.
Done? Good.
I bet your list didn’t have “speed” on it- one of the most crucial, yet most over looked aspects of a website design. Sure, there are people who argue that there is nothing one can do about how quickly a website loads, and that it all depends on the bandwidth. True, but bandwidth and net speed only account for a small fraction of loading speed.
People’s attention span is depreciating these days, and their patience weans further when they are on the internet. In layman’s terms- if your site is slow, you lose business. Especially if you are running an e-commerce website.
Unlike the 90’s, when internet speed was slow and people had no option but to wait until a website loaded, people do not have to wait if the website is too slow. Your potential clients now have a ton of options to choose from and can easily abandon you site in search for others. Even Google is penalizing sites for being too slow! So, if your website is slow, then you are losing page rankings really quickly.
Given the fact that a majority of the web searches are done on the mobile it is important to optimise both your desktop site and mobile site to speed. There are a number of free online resources that helps you to check the efficiency of your website, which can help you fix the speed errors.
Our web designing experts at Webtree Media Solutions ensure that your website is coded efficiently, and uses appropriate layouts that reduces loading time.
DO check out our services at www.webtreeonline.com