Continuing with our “Web content that is not text” series, today we talk about video. One of the most powerful medium of marketing which has been used as a means of education and entertainment since its inception by the Lumere Brothers. The digital revolution has made it easier to produce high quality videos with minimal resources.
Although it has become easier to produce videos, at the heart of it all, you must still concentrate on generating good content for the video. You have a wide variety of options to choose from, depending on the format you want to present it in. One of the simplest forms of videos is an automated slideshow, where the information is mostly text on video/ infographic slides. Although this gets the information out, it is not nearly as innovative or creative as the other formats.
The second kind of video is computer generated animation video. These graphic videos can be fun and entertaining, while at the same time effectively send across a powerful message, thanks to their flexibility.
The third type of video is the live action video that everyone is familiar with. These types of videos can be either an interview, a walk through or a “talking head” video- a video blog of sorts, where one person talks about the business/ service. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your videos and let your clients know how your services will affect them first hand.
The best thing about using videos is that you can keep it short and to the point, and it provides a great visual stimulus for your clients. It can provide an effective presentation material and give your business an impressive flair of its own.
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