The constantly shifting Google algorithms ensure that they get more human friendly with each passing year, making it harder for the SEO consultants to analyze and incorporate appropriate SEO tactics to maintain page rankings. In a way Google has been slowly discouraging businesses from relying solely on keywords, and has force them to focus on semantics and reliable content.
Does this mean Keywords are dead?
Well, not entirely. Not yet anyway. This shift from keyword centric approach to content centric approach has been slowly taking ever since the Hummingbird update of 2013, and has tipped the scales in favour of content over keywords. However, keywords are still relevant today, maybe not as much as they were half a decade ago. It is impossible to do away with keywords entirely since it is still possible to predict how people search base on a few set of words- which is the basic definition of keywords.
However, since Google is turning semantic- delivering results based on the intent of the search rather than the keywords, it is very important to create content that addresses the queries being searched for. Keywords are still used in the form of meta tags, which will provide Google with an overall understanding of the content, but has no actual relevance with the keyword based searches any more.
A fair amount of understanding of your client requirements and targeting the services you provide to the right demographic will play a major part in SEO optimization in 2015. Our SEO experts at Webtree Media Solutions have come to understand these new requirements, and comply with them to provide resourceful and long lasting services. Do contact us to avail our services.