For the past 25 years, HTTP/1.x has ruled over the internet. The current Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has been extremely handy in procuring and loading web pages (and web page elements) from the servers. Although the HTTP has undergone several significant changes, the mechanism has remained the same. With web designing churning out dynamic designs, it is now time to switch to a newer protocol that is far more efficient than the existing one.
Enter HTTP/2.
The new HTTP/2 does not intend to replace HTTP/1.x, rather it merely makes better use of the existing protocol. The major problem with the older HTTP models is that it can only send a request to one resource at a time from a particular connection to the server. The browser has to wait until that request is complete before requesting again. This continues until the entire webpage is loaded. In HTTP/2, however, the data delivery occurs as and when the data is made available. This makes loading web pages much faster and efficient. It no longer follows a continuous loop of request and response; rather it will be able to receive multiple payloads through a single connection. Another major feature of the HTTP/2 is that the transfer of information happens in pure binary instead of text. This saves overhead in transmission between servers, and reduces error significantly.
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