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Why declining page views are not always a bad thing

So you’ve decided to opt for an SEO/ web redesigning services to improve your online reach and credibility. Good for you. However, this can drastically impact your website analytical parameters such as page views, bounce rate and time on site. This development may not always be favourable, depending on the changes to the content.

There are many reasons why Google Analytics results show a decline, despite the work your SEO team have been doing. Website redesigning will severely influence how the Google bots view your website. Initially, Google will be wary of the new site, and will exercise a fair share of scepticism in order to determine the credibility of the website. This can take a few weeks, and this period allows the SEO experts to work their magic on the site.

Although it might sound ironic, these decreased analytics indicates a positive working of a website. This trend is common during the initial stages of an SEO campaign as well. SEO essentially involves tweaking the technical aspects of both back end and front-end workings of a website. The infusion of keywords in the web content and in the backend meta tags, titles etc directly address the Google bots and help increase page rank. The changing Google algorithms has turned content centric, and gives prime importance to the web content and how important it is to the users. Having crisp, concise web content that addresses the user requirements ensures that your clients reads through the entire content instead of skimming through for relevant details. This results in recurring clients, and can also lead to a good amount of shares on the social media, thereby increasing the page views.

Overall, you need to remember that the Google Analytics can fluctuate heavily during the initial stages of SEO, but can ultimately stabilize and achieve favourable results in time.

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