Are you familiar with the concept of Diminishing Marginal Utility? In economics, it refers to the principle that the satisfaction gained from consuming each additional unit of a good or service decreases as more units are consumed.
Let’s apply this same law to digital advertising campaigns.
If you continuously display the same advertisement to your target audience, you are more likely to tire your audience. This over-exposure to the same advertisement can result in an audience disengagement with your brand. This, in the digital landscape, is referred to as “Ad fatigue.”
What advertisers have worked hard to achieve can be blown away with ad fatigue. Even the best advertising campaigns sometimes succumb to ad fatigue. Therefore, avoiding ad fatigue is crucial in digital marketing. However, if you fall into the “ad fatigue” trap, don’t lose hope. The good news is that you can recover from failed advertising campaigns.
Before we understand the different strategies to combat ad fatigue, it is important to know the telltale signs.
There are typical warning signs that your ad campaign is travelling down the path of banner blindness:
Applying strategies to combat ad aversion is crucial to re-engage your audience and improve your brand image. So, let’s discuss some of the proven strategies to overcome ad fatigue.
Digital marketing tools and also analytics, track and provide statistical information, including how many times an advertisement is shown to a particular user. Use these tools. If your ad frequency is more than 6-7 views per person, you may end up boring your audience. Yes! It’s time to limit the ad frequency!
There are several available tools to lower your ad frequency. For instance, try implementing auto tools that let you set rules regarding how many times a viewer should be shown your ad, after which the ad is not visible to the particular viewer. You can also schedule your advertisement campaigns so the audience is not fatigued.
Another strategy to overcome ad fatigue is to design creative versions of the same advertisement and keep rotating these ads. This way, you engage your audience with your brand without boring them with the same ad creative.
If your ad campaigns are showing the first signs of ad disinterest, then why not refresh your ideas and come up with creative ads for your campaign? The digital marketing world is so vast allowing you to juggle various combinations to combat ad fatigue. So, it may be time to think out of the box and design creative ads with new content for your upcoming campaigns. You can also use different engagement formats like carousels, videos, and also static banners.
If the bull’s eye crowds, shift your focus to the outer circles! Try redirecting your advertising campaigns to a new segment of the audience. Look-alike audience or also past visitors to your website is a good place to start.
At times, the smartest approach is to step back and let the experts handle it. Get in touch with Webtree Software Solutions, the best global digital marketing agency, to revive your falling ad campaigns. We create the best advertising campaigns that resonate with your target audience and also align with your business goals. Our constant vigilance and also our unique reporting techniques ensure the brand remains etched with your audience.